Nothing, it seems, distinguishes sane, normal, well-adjusted people from journalists quite like snow. By lunchtime today, London was covered in a soft blanket of snow. Snow on the rooftops, snow on the windowsills, snow covering up the officious no parking signs outside old Spitalfields market, snow being tramped in between the stalls on people's feet, snow on the spire of Christ Church, snow dancing in the wind. London transported, it seemed, to its Dickensian past. Down in Artillery … [Read more...]
Red Alert! Snow of Death!
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: journalism, London, Media, Merthyr Tydfil, press, Snow, TV news, Wales
Sandy and the Death of Television News

There was a moment, as Superstorm Sandy hit the east coast of America this week, when you could tell that it was going to be serious. When even those of us watching from thousands of miles away knew this time it wasn't going to be media hype. It was when the television reporters starting going indoors. For hours they had been standing against the most dramatic backdrops they could find, the sea raging behind them, water swirling around their feet, ramping up the tension. "This is a pretty … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: Facebook, journalism, Manhattan, Media, New York, Sandy, Social media, Superstorm, TV news, Twitter